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Friday, 12 August 2011

Frequently Asked Questions Of Gemini Traits

People believe that our zodiac signs are closely related to our personalities and traits. People under sign of Gemini are supposed to be the most mysterious as they have the dual personality or even multiple personality which others do not have. In this article, the author will answer some of the frequently asked questions about Gemini traits.
  • Who can be regarded as a Gemini?

The Gemini, or simply "the Twins", is the third sign of the zodiac. It rules from May 21 to June 21. People under this sign are usually believed to be more independent and outgoing.
  • What are the traits for people under sign of Gemin?

As is known to all, every sign has its ruler. Mercury, which is generally connected with wittiness and talkativeness, rules Gemini. Consequently people born under the sign of Gemini are supposed to be talkative and witty. These people seem to have special powers of speech, and through talking they are able to make friends with different people of all social stratums. They seem to be able to talk about any topics except things related to themselves. Even if you ask things about them specifically, you will fail as they are the real communication experts and they will change the topic. Their silver-tongues help them not only in social activities but also in persuading others. People under this sign could be great lobbyists. John Fitzgerald Kennedy was a typical representative. He was able to become the youngest president of the United States at the age of 43. It was his good speech in his TV debate with Richard Milhous Nixon that played the most important role in his success. Besides, they are also determined perfection seeker. People under the sign would like to make everything perfect. In most cases they could achieve this as they are lucky to be given special abilities others do not attain.
  • Are people under sign of Gemini perfect?

Every coin has two sides, and people of Gemini also have their weaknesses. Their intelligence, if not properly developed and used, may lead to their overconfidence and conceit. They trend to be people of shallowness when they cannot control the developments of their overconfidence and conceit.

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