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Wednesday, 17 August 2011

Clinching That Documentary Deal Worth Millions!

How to "make" your own tv "fly on the wall" documentary that will earn you, its creator, not just thousands of pounds but millions of pounds?! Easy. Create the concept yourself! Locate a suitable environment and set it all up yourself.
Easy?! Most recently on Channel 4 in the United Kingdom a rare insight into the lives of "Travellers" (most folk would rather name them Gypsies) and their weddings. Due to their group being incredibly tight knit and closed to outsiders, a TV documentary detailing their weddings and the lead up to the day has totally upped the viewing figures to the highest that Channel 4 has ever received. How much did Channel 4 pay for this second documentary?! For a "fly on the wall" documentary which would have cost no more than a few thousand pounds to film? Yup, who'd have guessed that Channel 4 paid just over £8 million. Yes! Eight Million Pounds! But one has to consider the fact that the young filmmaker who came up with the concept personally befriended the dressmaker to the travellers and gained their confidence to the point that they granted her access to their most intimate of events, their wedding!
The young documentary maker not only filmed her first series but started work on her second series before such was even commissioned. So she knew she'd been paid for the first "fly on the wall" series but was already thinking way ahead to gaining that much more valuable second commission. The first series was viewing gold (industry speak for huge viewing figures and massive press interest). The deal negotiated for the second series was clear from the outset and it translated into an £8 million pound payoff for the creator and her company.
By looking at everyday events and items which could translate into a possible documentary and then investing the time and effort in filming a short clip, the documentary maker is creating an opportunity for future projects which could arise as a direct result of the initial concept.
It's about keeping an open mind and considering what could indeed translate into viewing gold. Who would have thought that a documentary about Big Fat Gypsy Weddings could ever earn its maker just over £8 million pounds? Well, it did! Will your TV documentary idea be the next ratings winner? Remember that absolutely any item, fad or event is an opportunity just waiting to be filmed by an intrepid Television Documentary Maker.
My job at ExposureTV is to sift through the many great ideas communicated to us by those intrepid filmmakers who come up with a concept and decide to film it.

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