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Wednesday, 17 August 2011

Best Worst Movie - A Documentary

Well, it is that time again - Documentary review!
My husband had another one on his list that he wanted to see: Best Worst Movie. I know the name doesn't sound promising but I went with it. We put this one on our online Blockbuster queue with a 'Long Wait' status and it never budged. I mean we waited over six months, at least, for it to come in. So I started to think that this must be a good documentary. As many of you know I switched to Netflix and cancelled our Blockbuster account when my local Blockbuster store closed...anyway. The movie came in the mail last week from Netflix but we didn't get around to it until last night.
Best Worst Movie is a documentary about Troll 2, a horror movie made twenty years ago. It has been labeled as the worst movie in the world. The label is probably correct, however, as with all movies there are usually a few fans. Troll 2 is no different. Over the course of the last decade its fan base has grown and moved the movie to cult status with people roaring with laughter instead of cringing or sheltering their eyes at each viewing.
The documentary is helmed by the leading actor for Troll 2: Michael Stephenson. He tells the story of how the movie came to be made, went straight to VHS tape and quickly forgotten - or so he thought. Almost two decades later and without any manufacturing by Hollywood, the movie garnered a pretty hefty and surreal fan base. We meet all the actors and how they were embarrassed to admit they were in the movie - to them signing autographs and giving speeches at screenings across the country.
People love this movie - and I mean love! I still don't know why but we all have that one movie that speaks to us - no matter how bad it was. I have one - Xanadu (Hey, don't laugh - I was ten when it came out) and I watched it over and over again. Apparently Troll 2 spoke to a lot of young individuals back in the early 90's. They were just too embarrassed to tell anyone else for awhile. Then it festered like a slow growing weed and pushed it to a huge cult classic a few years back.
I thoroughly enjoyed this documentary. There were even scenes where I laughed out loud. Perhaps I wasn't supposed to laugh. However, Troll 2 was meant to be a horror flick but turned into a comedy, so I think I am allowed. With that said, I am recommending you put Best Worst Movie on your queue - hopefully, you won't have too long to wait.

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